Implementasi Pendidikan Holistik Berbasis Karakter dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SMA Negeri 1 Empang

  • Ida Aulia Mawaddah STAI NW Samawa


ABSTRACT The study on the implementation of holistic education based character in learning PAI (Islamic education subject) at the State Secondary School 1 Empang was motivated by the prominence of moral and character degradation among the teenagers who undergoes puberty. This becomes challenges for the Islamic education teachers to form and cultivate the good character within the students themselves. In its implementation, the hoslistic education remains under use by the teachers because of their lack of ability in lesson planning. This research aimed to investigate the implementation of holistic education based character in Islamic education at state secondary school 1 Empang and its implication on the students’ characters, and the supporting factors and challenges as well as the alternatives. This study drew on filed research with qualitative approach that collected the data through observation, structured interview, and documentation. The findings showed that the implementation of the holistic education based character was attained because of the teachers’ ability to design the learning components, namely the methods and media that fitted the contents, all of which were manifested in the lesson plan. The purposes for the design of the components were to engage and improve the students’ learning comprehension. Keywords: Holistic Education, Character education, PAI


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