Aliran Simbolisme dalam Kesusastraan Arab Modern

  • Widia Apriliana
Keywords: ar-Ramziyah, Arabic Literature, Symbolism


Symbolism or ar-Ramziyah is one of the schools of thought whose existence is considered to be contrary to realism because of the tendency to use vague descriptions of phenomena in literary works. This study aims to describe a brief history of the birth of symbolism from the West to its entry into Arabic. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with library research data collection techniques. The research results show that the beginning of the emergence of symbolism was when the center for the development of symbolic movements was represented by France and based in Paris. French symbolism influenced international literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, in particular inspiring the Russian symbolist movement that developed in the 1880s, German, English, Japanese, United States and Turkish literature. The pioneer for symbolists in the West was Charles Beudelaire, followed by Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Marie Verlaine and Stephane Malarme. Figures in Arabic such as Khalil Mutran, Abbas al-'Aqqad, Abdurrahman Syukri, Ibrahim Abdul Qadir al-Mazini, at-Tijani Yusuf Basyir, Ibrahim Najib and Abu al-Qasim as-Syabi of this school view that every word in literature presents meaning full of gestures.


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