Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah <p><strong><em>Muta’aliyah </em></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;merupakan Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (JPI)&nbsp; di rencanakan akan terbit 1 kali setahun dengan fokus&nbsp; kajian Studi Pendididkan Islam secara komprehensif, Jurnal ini di harapkan mampu menjadi ruang kontemplasi dan perenungan pemikiran Pendidikan Islam secara kritis&nbsp; bagi semua kalangan yang memiliki perhartian dan konsen dengan isu-isu Pendidikan Klasik dari masa klasik – modern. STAI Darul Kamal Lombok Timur NTB</p> <p>ISSN&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;:&nbsp;<a title="ISSN" href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1451898622&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2502-2474</a></p> <p>E-ISSN :&nbsp;<a title="E-ISSN" href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1507194810&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-1612</a></p> en-US <p>Creative commons attribution lisense (CC-BY)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> taqizar@yahoo.co.id (Taqiudin zarkasi) taqizar@yahoo.co.id (Muharir) Sun, 26 Jan 2020 10:08:43 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Rotating Trio Exchange Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa MTS https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3730 <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning strategies of rotating trio exchange type learning on mathematics learning achievement of MTs students. This type of research is quasi-experimental, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling consisting of class VIIIb 27 students as the experimental class and class VIIIc 27 students as the control class. While the data collection method used in this study is to use the test method. The analysis used was the t test. The results of data analysis obtained a value = 5.069 at a significant level of 5% obtained with degrees of freedom (dk) 27-2 = 25 is 2.052, because the value&gt; (5.069&gt; 2.052) then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, so it can be concluded there is a strategy effect Rotating trio exchange cooperative learning learning on MTs students' mathematics learning achievement. And the regression equation is Ŷ = 8.621 + 0.744x and the model can be explained by 50.7%.</p> Muhammad Alwan Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3730 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:51:45 +0000 Pendidkan Islam di Era Globalisasi https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3729 <p>In the globalization era, Islamic education must prepare a strategy in meeting the challenges of globalization which is very complex. To deal with such problems, there are some innovative steps in the form of changing the vision, mission and goals. Integrating the approach model and learning method that combines a behaviorism approach with a constructive approach that is godly valid. Using management that combines systems and infrastructure approaches with approaches that are valid in human behavior. By reintroducing the vision and mission and objectives of Islamic education in a comprehensive manner. This is important to do, because so far the world community has not known Islamic education as a whole and transparently. The impact of globalization that already exists before us various kinds of models there are 'positive' for easy living, comfortable, cheap, beautiful, advanced. There is also a negative impact that is causing anxiety, suffering and misdirection. Whereas Islamic Education is an Islamic-based education and is a system that has several interrelated components, for example the aqeedah, shari'ah and moral system which includes the effective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains, to prepare humans to live perfectly and happily.</p> Andri Afriani Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3729 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:54:21 +0000 Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3728 <p>Dalam Permendiknas No. 64 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Isi mata pelajaran matematika, yaitu menunjukkan sikap logis, kritis, analitis, kreatif, cermat dan teliti, bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan tidak mudah menyerah dalam memecahkan masalah. Sesuai dengan tujuan tersebut, diharapkan guru dapat membimbing dan memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika sesuai dengan caranya masing-masing. Namun, pembelajaran pemecahan masalah di sekolah-sekolah masih banyak mengalami hambatan sehingga perlu adanya suatu pendekatan pembelajaran yang mampu melatih siswa mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Pendekatan matematika realistik merupakan suatu pendekatan pembelajaran matematika yang menekankan pada aktivitas siswa dan berpijak dari hal yang riil (kontekstual) bagi siswa. Berdasarkan analisis kajian dari jurnal-jurnal hasil penelitian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan pembelajaran matematika realistik dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan menumbuhkan motivasi, minat dan antusias belajar siswa, meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, aktivitas belajar siswa serta pembelajaran matematika realistik cocok digunakan untuk meningkatkan&nbsp; kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik pada ketiga level sekolah baik itu level sekolah rendah, sedang, dan tinggi.</p> Muhammad Munir, Hijriati Sholehah Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3728 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:55:01 +0000 The The Comparative Study between Using Factor Tree Technique and Tabular Technique in Determining Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3696 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The objectives of the research were to find out the profile of the students learning result using factor tree technique, to find out the profile of the students learning result using tabular technique, and to find out the difference between students learning result implementing factor tree technique and tabular technique in determining </em><em>Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) at the 5th-grade students of MI Al Ma’arif Kebumen village, Banyubiru district, Semarang regency. This research was quantitative research with quasi-experiment design.</em><em> The research population was 54 students. Its </em><em>samples were 5th-grade students of A as the first experimental class while 5th-grade students of B as the second experimental class. The instruments were pre-test and post-test of the students learning result, and the observation sheet. The technique of data analysis was descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistic. The research showed that in the first experimental class the mean of pre-test was 42,59 and the post-test mean was 60,96. Thus, in the second experimental class the pre-test mean was 41,15 and the post-test mean was 83. Based on the result of inferential analysis was t<sub>count </sub>in the mount of 6,4787 and t<sub>table </sub>as big as 2,6737 with &nbsp;99% level of trustiness and 1% level of error, because t<sub>count </sub>&gt; t<sub>table &nbsp;</sub>consequently H<sub>1 </sub>was accepted and H<sub>0</sub> was rejected. It meant there was significant difference between students learning result using factor tree technique and tabular technique in determining Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) at the 5th-grade students of MI Al Ma’arif Kebumen village, Banyubiru district, Semarang regency.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rifqi Silfiana Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3696 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:56:20 +0000 Studi Komparasi Metode Jigsaw Dan Word Square Dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Kognitif Dan Afektif Peserta Didik di MI Nahdatulwathan 1 Kembang Kerang Aikmel https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3691 <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Pemilihan metode pembelajaran bertujuan untuk membantu peserta didik agar dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. kooperatif learning tipe <em>Jigsaw</em> dan <em>Word Square</em> dapat dijadikan metode alternatif untuk mendorong peserta didik aktif dan belajar bekerjasama dengan pasangannya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji keefektifan antara metode <em>Jigsaw</em> dan <em>Word Square</em> dalam mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif dan afektif peserta didik di MI NW 1 Kembang Kerang Aikmel Lombok Timur.</p> <p>Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif&nbsp; eksprimen yang yang sangat kuat mengukur hubungan sebab akibat, dan desain penelitiannya menggunakan Nonequivalen Control Group Design. Populasi sekaligus sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas V MI NW 1 Kembang Kerang Lombok Timur tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang berjumlah 61 peserta didik, 31 kelas Va dan 30 kelas Vb. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi observasi, dokumentasi, angket, dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam mengolah data penelitian yaitu uji prasyarat analisis meliputi normalitas dan homogenitas dan uji t.</p> <p>Hasil uji hipotesis untuk kemampuan kognitif peserta didik yaitu menggunakan rumus independent-sample t test, melalui program SPSS versi 20 menunjukkan bahwa, sig. (2 tailed) 0,00 &lt; α= 0,05 dengan hasil uji t (t <sub>hitung</sub> &gt; t<sub> tabel </sub>= 4,513 &gt; 2,001). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dan pada pengujian kemampuan afektif peserta didik juga menggunakan rumus independent-sample t test, melalui program SPSS versi 20 menunjukkan bahwa, sig. (2 tailed) 0,00 &lt; α= 0,05 dengan hasil uji t (t <sub>hitung</sub> &gt; t<sub> tabel </sub>= 4,6201 &gt; 2,043751 ) maka Ha diterima, sehingga kesimpulannya ada perbedaan signitifikan kemampuan kognitif dan afektif peserta didik antara metode <em>Jigsaw</em> dengan metode <em>Word Square</em> di MI NW 1 Kembang Kerang Lombok Timur.</p> Husairi husairi Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3691 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:57:42 +0000 Implementasi Media Gambar dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Integratif pada Siswa Kelas I di MIN 1 Jombang Tahun Ajaran 2018-2019 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3660 <p>Based on observations at MIN 1 Jombang, class I student learning achievement towards Thematic Integrative learning is relatively declining, because in the learning process the teacher only uses the lecture method. In this research, the study is directed at the use of picture media in learning.</p> <p>The focus of the problem in this study is the implementation of the use of image media in Thematic Learning, the difficulty factor of Integrative Thematic Learning of students in Class I MIN 1 Jombang, and the efforts of teachers in overcoming student learning difficulties in Class I MIN 1 Jombang.</p> <p>This research uses a qualitative approach. The process of collecting data, researchers use the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The steps of this research procedure are data reduction, data display, data coding, data interpretation, and drawing data conclusions.</p> <p>The results obtained are (1) Implementation of picture media in thematic learning, namely: preparing images in accordance with the material and showing pictures during the learning process, (2) The factors of difficulty in Integrative thematic learning are: (a) Limited knowledge and teacher ability; (b) The teaching materials available still use the subject approach; (c) thematic teaching materials are still national in nature (d) supporting facilities that do not meet the requirements; (e) Schedules using subjects. (3) Efforts to overcome student learning difficulties in Thematic subjects at MIN 1 Jombang are repeating subject matter and providing exercises or assignments.</p> siti aminah Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3660 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:58:45 +0000 The Use of Student-Centered Advocacy Learning Approaches in Improving Student Learning Achievement in Social Studies Subjects Class VIII at MTS. Nurussalam Tetebatu Sikur sub-district TA. 2019/2020 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3763 <p>Teknik mengajar yang bermakna memiliki peranan penting dalam proses balajar mengajar sehingga dapat memberikan semangat dan motivasi kepada siswa, untuk itu guru dapat memilih dan menentukan pendekatan dan metode yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan, keadaan siswa serta keadaan sarana dan prasarana&nbsp; sebagai penunjang&nbsp; proses belajar mengajar. Salah satu model pendekatan yang dapat ditempuh oleh guru dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah model pembelajaran advokasi berpusat pada siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis mengenai Penggunaan Pendekatan Belajar Advokasi Berpusat pada Siswa dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa.</p> <p>Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif <em>True Experimental Desaign, </em>dimana populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas VIII MTs. Nurussalam Tetebatu yang berjumlah 66 orang siswa, dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah <strong><em>t-test</em></strong><em>. </em>Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh t hitung = 2,71, sedangkan harga t tabel untuk taraf kesalahan 5% dengan df = 64 yang diperoleh dari penjumlahan sampel kelas kontrol 33 orang siswa dan kelas eksperimen 33 orang siswa dikurangi dengan 2 (n-2), sehingga diperoleh F tabel = 1,67. Karena harga t hitung lebih besar dari pada t tabel untuk taraf kesalahan 5%, maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa dengan menggunakan pendekatan advokasi berpusat pada siswa.</p> Lisnawati Lisnawati Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Al-Muta`aliyah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/sasambo/index.php/mutaaliyah/article/view/3763 Sun, 26 Jan 2020 09:59:53 +0000