The Distribution Of Inheritance The Distribution Of Inheritance Law In Perdopo Village Based On Islam Perspective

The Distribution Of Inheritance Law

  • Nela Dwi Kusumawati IAIN Kudus
  • Ashif Az Zafi IAIN Kudus
Keywords: Inheritance; customary law; islamic law;


Mawaris law is still used in midst of community life. The implementation of mawaris law in Indonesia is based on customary law and islamic law. Islamic law is used because the majority of the population in Indonesia is moslem, while customary law is used because the plurality of various region and another differs according to customary law in force in the community. One of them is in Perdopo village, Gunung Wungkal district, Pati regency, Central Java province. There are two forms of implementation of mawaris law in the village of Perdopo, namely the distribution of inheritance based on customary law and the distribution of inheritance based on islamic law. If in the implementation of the mawaris law conflict occurs then reconciliation is held. Local religious leaders consider that reconciliation is also justified in islamic sharia, because inheritance is still included in matters relating to muamalah whose implementation is left to the people, provided that in the case there is no dispute. In this case the implementation of the distribution of inheritance is based on what was agreed by the relevant parties and carried out for mutual benefit.


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How to Cite
Kusumawati, N. D., & Zafi, A. A. (2020). The Distribution Of Inheritance The Distribution Of Inheritance Law In Perdopo Village Based On Islam Perspective: The Distribution Of Inheritance Law. TAFAQQUH: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Dan Ahwal Syahsiyah, 5(1), 1-22. Retrieved from

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