EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/susi/index.php/elbanat <p><strong>El-Banat: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam&nbsp;</strong>is a biannually published journal in June&nbsp;and December. It is published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam YPBWI Surabaya in June 2011. This Jurnal covers various issues on the Islamic studies within&nbsp;such number&nbsp;of fields as Islamic education, Islamic thought, Islamic law, political Islam, and Islamic economics from social and cultural perspectives.<br>This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p>Address: Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam YPBWI Surabaya Jl.Garuda No. 50 Rewwin, Waru, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia,&nbsp;61253</p> <p>E-mail: elbanat.staiypbwi.sby@gmail.com/ Phone.: +62 31 853-3585&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://www.google.co.id/maps/place/STAI+YPBWI+Surabaya/@-7.344438,112.747481,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x9f485456850ff5ab?sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjQh5-UuOTTAhWBQI8KHaxFDfkQ_BIIjQEwDg" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Map Coordinate: Lat. -7.344438, long. 112.747481</a></p> <p><a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1436259932" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN (Print):&nbsp;2087-4820</a></p> <p><a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1493699610" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN (Online):&nbsp;2579-8995</a></p> Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam YPBWI Surabaya en-US EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam 2087-4820 Penguatan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui Literasi Keagamaan Digital https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/susi/index.php/elbanat/article/view/4070 <p>The rapid development of today's digital world is both a challenge and an opportunity in the world of education, especially in Islamic Religious Education (PAI). New breakthroughs from educators are really needed in strengthening students' learning motivation so that they are always enthusiastic in the learning process. This research aims to examine the application of digital religious literacy as an effort to strengthen PAI and BP learning motivation in class XI students at SMA Negeri 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo. This research is a type of field research using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data collected is the result of observation, interviews and documentation through purposive sampling techniques. The technique used in data analysis goes through three stages, namely data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. This research shows the results that the application of digital religious literacy has significantly strengthened the motivation to learn PAI and BP in class XI students at SMA Negeri 1 Gedangan Sidoarjo. This can be a guide for Islamic religious educators in designing relevant learning according to current developments and preparing students to face future challenges</p> Rikza Syahrial Kurniawan Muhammad Fahmi Ali Mas'ud Syaifuddin Syaifuddin Copyright (c) 2024 EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 14 1 1 16 10.54180/elbanat.2024.14.1.1-16 Upaya Meningkatkan Keberhasilan Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui Kegiatan Ekstra Kurikuler Berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/susi/index.php/elbanat/article/view/4105 <p>The integration of extracurricular activities within the framework of the Merdeka Curriculum has shown potential in enhancing students' comprehension and application of Islamic religious education. Given the limitations in instructional hours and curriculum content, there is a pressing need to explore alternative educational strategies to bolster students' understanding and practice of Islamic teachings. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of extracurricular activities based on the Merdeka Curriculum in improving the success of Islamic religious education. Specifically, it seeks to identify the types of activities implemented, the supporting factors, and the challenges encountered during their execution.The research adopts a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation to gain an in-depth understanding of the implementation of religious-themed extracurricular activities. The study focuses on various activities, such as qiro'ah, shalawat, Islamic studies, communal Dzuhur prayers, Dhuha prayers, and Ramadan camps, which are incorporated into the Merdeka Curriculum framework. The findings indicate that these extracurricular activities significantly enhance students' religious knowledge, character formation, and reinforcement of religious values. Additionally, these activities contribute to students' ability to resist negative influences and to practice Islamic teachings in their daily lives. The study concludes that religious extracurricular activities based on the Merdeka Curriculum play a vital role in the success of Islamic religious education. To maximize the benefits, increased support from schools and parents is essential. This research highlights the importance of integrating well-structured extracurricular activities into the educational system to foster a holistic development of students in line with Islamic values</p> Moch. Kalam Mollah Copyright (c) 2024 EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 14 1 17 35 10.54180/elbanat.2024.14.1.17-35