Al Ghazali's Learning Approach
Analisis Konten Kitab AyyuhÄ Al-Walad FÄ« NasÄ«hati Al-Muta’allimÄ«n Wa Maw’izatihim Liya’lamÅ« Wa YumayyizÅ« ‘Ilman NÄfi‘An Min Gayrihi
Learning, Al Ghazali
Some experts try to develop a variety of conceptual perspectives to find the best and most efficient learning approach design. Likewise, Muslim scholars also seem to be trying to contribute to the development of learning approaches. This article attempts to reveal the idea of Imam Al Ghozal as an Islamic scholar's perspective. The focus studied is the content of the book ayyuhÄ al-walad fÄ« nasÄ«hati al-muta'allimÄ«n wa maw'izatihim liya'lamÅ« wa yumayyizÅ« 'ilman nÄfi'an min gayrihi and efforts to formulate the perspective learning approach of the book. The study was carried out with a library research approach with content analysis techniques. The findings of the study provide a conclusion that the formulation of a learning approach needs to be directed at strengthening general science and religion in a balanced way. Not only strengthening religious scholarship, al Ghozali's ideas in the book studied emphasize the theocentric transformation to theo-anthrophocentric in religious learning.
How to Cite
NJIS, E. E., & Muhammad Hisyam. (2022). Al Ghazali’s Learning Approach: Analisis Konten Kitab AyyuhÄ Al-Walad FÄ« NasÄ«hati Al-Muta’allimÄ«n Wa Maw’izatihim Liya’lamÅ« Wa YumayyizÅ« ‘Ilman NÄfi‘An Min Gayrihi. Nusantara Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 45-58.