Al Yasini : Jurnal Keislaman, Sosial, hukum dan Pendidikan 2023-05-18T22:30:23+00:00 M Isroul Laili Open Journal Systems <p><a href=""><strong>Al Yasini: Jurnal Keislaman, Sosial, Hukum dan Pendidikan</strong></a>&nbsp;</p> <p>Published by the Al-Yasini Pasuruan Islamic College Lecturer Consortium in collaboration with Kopertais 4 Surabaya. Journal editors invite academics, lecturers, students and researchers to contribute in submitting scientific articles that have never been published in other journals. Manuscripts are typed with 1.5 cm spacing on A4 size paper with a length of between 20-25 pages, 7000-9000 words. Incoming manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board and bestari partners. The editor can make changes to the published text for format uniformity, without changing the substance. Focus of study: Islam, Social, Law and Education, p-ISSN : 2527-3175, e- ISSN : 2527-6603, Frequency: Twice a year (May and November),</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Indexing:</em> <strong><a href=";user=1NP7KrcAAAAJ&amp;scilu=&amp;scisig=AMD79ooAAAAAY9YkTV6cMHNsBbloKFtvim5YnYKt0m45&amp;gmla=AJsN-F7KaMcWFOsdCaZA0bJ4EP7Tdkc9fLQfDeYYezshCbNGSs-sjHBG4KmfLbxQCVNU6ov4qnrZENwKCJl1lgDzSBJ561OBUDXDqFh6CasqOP3DpnRWiq1Lqns2QRy7IOWBmPiOndqk&amp;sciund=12205090826097318105">Google scholar</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="">Moraref&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=";search_text=10.55102%2Falyasini.v6i2.4443&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=doi">Dimensi&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="">garuda</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="">DOAJ&nbsp;</a>|&nbsp;<a href="">SCOPUS</a><a href="">&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;</strong><strong>,</strong> <em>URL</em>: <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong><strong>,</strong> <em>Articles Acces</em> : <strong><a title="Archives" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ARCHIVES</a></strong><strong>,</strong> <em>Submit:</em> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong><strong>,</strong> <em>Email:</em> <strong><a href=""></a>,</strong></p> <p>Adress : <strong>Jalan Pondok Pesantren Terpadu Al-Yasini Areng-areng Wonorejo, Pasuruan 67173, Jawa Timur.</strong></p> Peranan Pengelolaan Dana Zakat, Infaq dan Shadaqah (ZIS) Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Muzakki (Studi Pada LAZISMU Kabupaten Nganjuk) 2023-05-18T22:28:21+00:00 Suprihantosa Sugiarto Qoniatul Mardhiana <p><em>This study was conducted to determine the process of managing zakat, infaq and shadaqah funds (ZIS) at LAZISMU, Nganjuk Regency. In addition, to find out the efforts made by the institution in increasing the number of muzakki in LAZISMU, Nganjuk Regency. The activities that have been carried out by LAZISMU Nganjuk in increasing the number of muzakki are by socializing an agency related to programs at LAZISMU, providing public awareness about zakat during Friday sermons, at ta'lim assemblies, printing calendars or bulletins containing activities at LAZISMU, carry out intensive socialization on social media and at other events. This research uses descriptive qualitative case study method. The result of this study is that there is public interest in distributing a little of their wealth which is then handed over to those in need through the LAZISMU zakat amil institution, Nganjuk district. So that the number of muzakki in 2020 will continue to increase even though in the middle of 2020 it has decreased due to the covid pandemic. But even so, the accumulation of the number of muzakki continues to experience an upward trend.</em></p> 2022-11-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Analisis Wacana Kritis Media Online Detik.Com Tentang “Wayang Haram” Ustad Kholid Basalamah 2023-05-18T22:28:55+00:00 Moh Amiruddin <p><em>Discourse Analysis of the Narrative of Study of News at "Puppet Haram" by Ustad Kholid Basalamah (This research was motivated by the problem of Ustad Kholid Basalamah's statement regarding the repentance of a dalang and the narration of haram puppets that sparked controversy in the social world. This study aims to find out how in reporting the statement of Ustad Kholid Basalamah. The analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis with the approach of Norman Fairclough's Discourse Analysis. In conveying the data needed using news texts from February 15 to March 25, 2022. While in the discussion, Norman Fairclough's Discourse Analysis method is used which consists of text, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice. From the results of research conducted on reporting of Discourse Analysis of Narratives "Wayang Haram" by Ustad Kholid Basalamah (Study of News on shows that constructed the Puppet Haram case of Ustad Khalid Basalamah as a result of community construction, puts itself in a neutral position in reporting Wayang Haram.</em></p> 2022-11-27T16:59:10+00:00 Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem Based Learning) dalam Pembelajaran PAI; Teori David Ausubel, Vigotsky, Jerome S. Bruner 2023-05-18T22:29:19+00:00 Mahfida Inayati <p><em>Learning is a two-way communication process, which is carried out by the teacher with students, to be able to produce good learning outcomes in learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI), one of which is teaching and learning activities by applying a problem-based learning model. Problem-based learning models include asking questions or problems, focusing on interdisciplinary linkages, authentic inquiry, cooperation and producing works and demonstrations. Problem-based learning is learning that uses real (authentic) problems that are unstructured and open as a context for learners to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills and at the same time build new knowledge</em></p> 2022-11-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Efisiensi Alokasi Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Pedagang Kecil Di Pasar Minggu SAI Desa Lolawang Ngoro Mojokerto 2023-05-18T22:29:41+00:00 Hidayatis Shofiyati <p>Islamic economics is a science that studies human efforts to allocate and manage resources in order to achieve <em>falah</em> or welfare based on the principles and values ​​contained in the Qur'an and as-Sunnah. Talking about Islamic economics, then in it there is a distribution of income in the Islamic economic system that can protect its servants. So that in Islamic economics there are private property rights in which there are other people's property rights, because basically the nature of property belongs to Allah SWT. Related to the efficiency of the allocation and distribution of income in economics, the researcher will examine the efficiency of the allocation and distribution of income of small traders in the Sunday Market (Pasar Sai) Lolawang Village, Mojokerto Regency. Small traders allocate their income in the Islamic concept through zakat, alms because it is actually small traders who apply their income in a useful way.<strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p> 2022-11-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Teori Belajar Konstruktivisme Dengan Model Pembelajaran (Inquiry) 2023-05-18T22:30:04+00:00 Mulyadi Mulyadi <p>The theory of constructivism learning is the application of learning whose application to the response to the development of new expectations is related to the learning process that wants the active role of students in building thinking patterns and initiating their own learning activities, This research approach uses as a conceptual approach, As a unitary research of science, the source of the data comes from primary data. Primary data are obtained through tracing original sources written by figures, and assisted by tracing secondary sources in the form of references from tertiary sources, constructive learning theory, in the concept of constructivism learning theory students play an active role in building their thinking patterns in understanding the teaching material provided by educators, therefore this theory of constructivism is very possible when used in class in carrying out learning using&nbsp; learning model that is in accordance with the needs of the implementation</p> 2022-11-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Penentuan Status Ahli Waris Melalui Hubungan Nasab; Analisis Kewarisan Kakek dan Nenek 2023-05-18T22:30:23+00:00 Raja Ritonga Martua Nasution <p><em>Knowing the status of the heirs is the first step in dividing the inheritance. A person's share will be determined if his position as an heir can be known with certainty. Grandparents are heirs who are very close to the heir. However, not all types of grandparents have the same status and position in obtaining inheritance. This study will describe the inheritance of grandparents through kinship relations to the heirs. Furthermore, this study will also describe in detail the status and share of inheritance of each grandparent. The method used in this research is a qualitative form with the type of library research. The results of the study explain that the inheritance status of grandparents is distinguished based on the line of kinship to the heir. If the line of kinship is through the male line, then the status of grandparents is referred to as grandparents and grandmothers. However, if the kinship route is through women, then the status of grandparents is called fasid grandfather and fasidah grandmother. Then, grandparents whose status is authentic and sohihah grandfather, then those who are domiciled as heirs of ashabul furudh or ashobah. Meanwhile, grandparents whose status is fasid and fasidah, then they are domiciled as heirs of dzawil arham.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-11-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)

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