Sari DE. Adat Bangun Rumah Di Jawa Study Antropologi Di Nganjuk Jawa Timur: Adat Istiadat is a component that can not be separated from cultural anthropology. Customs are the social customs in society to organize, the norms and behavior of society, so that in doing something they will think about the consequences. The Javanese community has many hereditary cultures inherited including: Language, Belief, Philosophy, Art, Calendar, Javanese Count. From the study the author tries to reveal the customs kejawen build a house in eastern Java. The disclosed is Day, Room Layout, Direction House. The approach of this research is descriptive qualitative that lead to ethnographic, that is describe an empirical reality of research result, researcher is required to go directly to research location in order to appreciate customs and symptoms of daily life in accordance with local social culture phenomenon. The research that has been done to find a way to build a house in kejawen is the determination of a good day in making a house that has a count of Earth, Temple, Kerto, rogo, and Sempoyong, finds a good month in a matter of Java. In addition the authors also got the layout of the room in the house such as Wells, Bedrooms, Roofs, Doors etc. This research is used to uncover the customs of kejawen in Nganjuk area so that it can be preserved and not eroded by the era of Zaman in the Modern era. ECO [Internet]. 2017Dec.3 [cited 2025Feb.25];8(2):83-2. Available from: https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/tapalkuda/index.php/economic/article/view/2984