Eksplikasi Tesis-Tesis Hubungan Antara Agama dan Ilmu-Pengetahuan

  • Muhammad Alwi Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: knowledge, religion, science, science and religion’s relationship


The early history shows that many things have been explained based on religion’s point of view, yet after Renaissance, the scientific revolution, there comes opposition between science and religion. The relation between them are like tides, there are ups and downs, or flat. There are four variants of science and religion’s relationship, namely: conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration. In conflict, science negates the existence of religion and religion negates science; each of them acknowledges its own existence. On the other hand, in the independence, both religion and science accept both the existences since they believe that religion and science are two different aspects with no meeting point. In the dialogue, the religion and science support each other. While in integration, there are two variants of integration which combine religion and science: natural theology and theology of nature. According to Barbour, natural theology is looking for supports from scientific discovery, in contrast to theology of nature believes that theology’s view on nature must be changed and adapted to the latest nature’s discoveries.


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How to Cite
Alwi, M. (2017). Eksplikasi Tesis-Tesis Hubungan Antara Agama dan Ilmu-Pengetahuan. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 2(1), 68-84. Retrieved from https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/tapalkuda/index.php/makrifat/article/view/3025