Pembaharuan Islam Di Asia Selatan Pemikiran Muhammad Iqbal

  • Mohammad Rizqillah Masykur Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Islamic Renewal, Islamic Thought, Muhammad Iqbal


The patterns of thought offered by Muhammad Iqbal especially to the renewal of Islam in South Asia are influenced, among others, by the dynamics of European society and the understanding of al-quran and al-Hadith as sources of ethics capable of capturing the times. According to M. Iqbal Islamic society, if you want to move forward and develop should be able to change the mindset about the ascetic attitude and more mensakralkan religions that recently occurred in pekembangan Islam. There are several concepts given by M. Iqbal in doing Islamic renewal include; the field of religion related to the concept of dynamism understanding through motion and activity with berijtihad, the political field by having the idea of ​​the need to establish the Islamic State itself, the field of education with the basic principles of education by promoting the attitude of openness, and the field of philosophy that prioritizes ego. The thought of Islamic reformation of M. Iqbal, at least could have a major impact on the progress of the Muslim community in South Asia, especially India.


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How to Cite
Masykur, M. R. (2018). Pembaharuan Islam Di Asia Selatan Pemikiran Muhammad Iqbal. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 3(01), 1-14. Retrieved from