Pendidikan Era Rasulullah Di Mekkah Dan Madinah

  • Taufikurrahman . Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Education Era Rasulullah, Maccah, Medinah


Education is very important in human life aspect without human education like animal. Before Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was sent by Allah Almighty to the face of the earth, human life is very concerned that there is no rule which becomes the basis of the order of life. The Messenger of Allah who was sent by Allah as a prophet and an apostle to enlighten the earth with the first verse "iqra 'bismi rabbikal latdzi khalaq" brought significant changes in human life. The process of spiritual internalization, the transformation of educational values ​​and emotional guidance is a great miracle. The results of the Prophet's guidance created competent cadres who had expertise in their respective fields such as Umar ibn Khotab jurist and government, Abu Hurairah the hadith scholar Salman al-Farisi, the comparative scholar of religion: Majusi, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; and Ali ibn Abi Talib, the jurist and exegete of al-Qur'an which was passed on by tabi'tabi'in and his scholars who succeeded in becoming scientists, both philosophy, astronomy, medicine and so on indicated that the Messenger of Allah became the best teacher on earth . Rasulullah Saw came with a peace mission as (rahmatan lil'alamin) to all ummah on this earth on the basis of equality and justice Prophet Muhammad Saw can create a civilized life order. The success of the Prophet Muhammad can change all aspects of society in education, social, economic, cultural and creating a system of government (State of Medina) amid the rigors of ethnicity in the arab community


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How to Cite
., T. (2018). Pendidikan Era Rasulullah Di Mekkah Dan Madinah. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 3(01), 46-64. Retrieved from