Aliran Rekontruksionisme Dalam Pandangan Filsafat Pendidikan Islam “Konsep Pendidikan Muhammad Iqbalâ€
Aliran Rekontruksionisme Dalam Pandangan Filsafat Pendidikan Islam “Konsep Pendidikan Muhammad Iqbalâ€
Education is not only humanizing human beings but implementation must always change to positive things, in this modern era many have caused crises in various fields of life. education should spearhead and reform again or reconstruct society to be better because education must develop a democratic social ideology. Islamic education must be directed towards fulfilling philosophical ideals (self-strength) so as to have a faith-based quality of self. Modern world education must be able to integrate all the elements of value that exist in life, have mundane aspects and the end of the world so that in its development the two aspects are both running and can create accountable education. Muhammad Iqbal said that education is a human need that will lead to a noble civilization. Thus only with education is formed insa kamil (true human beings) with human criteria that have strength, broad insight, fair action and have wise policies. The aim of education is to make people fully encompass the physical, spiritual aspects of the mind. The nature of educational goals is not only limited to anthropocentric and scientific education must be able to make the balance and harmony of all aspects of human life with no dichotomy between religious science and general science. The purpose of education is a solid totality of individuals so that they can direct life with full divine creation. Humans in the Qur'an are mentioned as perfect beings.References
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