Pergeseran Teori Kenabian Ke Dalam Pemikiran Yahudi Dan Masehi

Pergeseran Teori Kenabian Ke Dalam Pemikiran Yahudi Dan Masehi

  • Miftakhul Munir Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Pasuruan
Keywords: The Shifting of the Prophetic Theory, Jewish and Christian Thought


Society is communities, where the members are interconnected and have their own duties and functions. If the body cannot live without spirit, therefore so do the communities. The spirit of society is prophethood or wisdom (philosophy). Thus, the Prophet and the philosopher (al-Hakim) for the communities are equal to the spirit for the body. The difference between both of them is prophethood. It is a gift from God that cannot be found but it is devoted by God to the servants whom He likes. Because God knows better where He will lay His message, while the philosophy can be obtained by comtempletation, study, and thought or analysis. Besides that, the Prophet was awaken from mistakes, while the philosopher could be wrong and fall into stain and mistakes.


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How to Cite
Munir, M. (2018). Pergeseran Teori Kenabian Ke Dalam Pemikiran Yahudi Dan Masehi: Pergeseran Teori Kenabian Ke Dalam Pemikiran Yahudi Dan Masehi. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 3(2), 95-110. Retrieved from