Kecerdasan Profetik Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Muslim

  • Siti Yumnah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Pancawahana Bangil Indonesia
Keywords: Prophetic Intelligence


Education can be understood as a set of theories that not only describe and interpret social phenomena, and not only change things for change, but more than that, it is expected to direct change on the basis of ethical and prophetic ideals, so it is concluded that prophetic education ( prophetic teaching) is an educational method that always draws inspiration from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The principle in prophetic education is to prioritize integration. In providing a certain field of material also associated with the foundation that is in the Qur'an and Sunnah, so that both worldly and hereafter goals can be achieved. Prophetic intelligence is the potential or ability to interact, adapt, understand or potential that is always under the guidance of the Almighty God through conscience.


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How to Cite
Yumnah, S. (2019). Kecerdasan Profetik Dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Muslim. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(1), 92-103. Retrieved from