Relevansi Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Dengan Kebutuhan Dunia Kerja Di Era Millennial

  • Siti Halimah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Pasuruan Indonesia
Keywords: Curriculum Of Islamic Education, Working World, Millennial Era


Basically curriculum development is a process to achieve one goal, which is to get better change. Today's generation has grown with unprecedented access to technology, many students today are often referred to as Digital Natives. In 2012, there was a study that showed that millennials were more impressed by individuals, simply ignored political problems, focused on materialistic values, and cared less to help others when compared to the X generation and baby boom generation at the same age. This generation when viewed from the negative side, is a lazy, narcissistic, and likes to jump from one job to another. However, on the other hand they have a positive side. Among other things, the millennial generation is an open minded person, supporting equality of rights. They also have good self-confidence, are able to express their feelings, are liberal, optimistic, and accept ideas and ways of life.


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How to Cite
Halimah, S. (2019). Relevansi Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Dengan Kebutuhan Dunia Kerja Di Era Millennial. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(1), 142-162. Retrieved from