Peningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAI Materi “Huruf Hijaiyah” Menggunakan Media Flash Card Pada Siswa Kelas 1 SDN Sanggrahan 2

Keywords: PAI Learning Outcomes, Flash Card Media


Class 1 of elementary school in the first semester  contains material to recognize hijaiyah letters, this is the initial stage of grade 1 students to get to know and then be able to read the Qur'an, so that they can read fluently by getting used to learning and memorizing hijaiyah letters. However, the characters of grade 1 elementary school students are students who still like playing, so that during the learning period they tend to be busy themselves instead of paying attention to the teacher, when they first start in semester 1, with new things they can and new places and lots of new friends, when their learning tends see activities that exist outside the classroom, so that the process of recognizing hijaiyah letters is not conducive and greatly influences learning outcomes. This happened at SDN Sanggrahan 2 in class 1. Of the 12 students in grade 1 at SDN Sanggrahan 2 only 4 children who scored above the KKM (70), for this reason, it is necessary to seek learning that can improve student learning outcomes, by looking at the character of children who still like play, for that there needs to be collaboration between play and learning, this learning and playing effort must be able to activate students so students are able to find their own understanding of hijaiyah letters, can foster student enthusiasm for learning so that students become more active and more concentrated when learning so that the results of their learning will increase, the right learning media to overcome these problems is the flash card media. This Classroom Action Research is a qualitative study, which lasted for 2 cycles involving all students in grade I of SDN Sanggrahan 2, Prambon Subdistrict, Nganjuk Regency with a total of 12 students. With the stages in each cycle, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Judging from the increased value of knowledge starting from the overall number in cycle one of 705 the results rose by 425 to 1130, while the average in cycle 1 gained 59 rose to 94 in cycle 2, the highest value of cycle 1 75 rose to 100, whereas in the lowest score from 50 to 85, which reached KKM in cycle 1 by 2 children or 16.7% rose to 12 children in cycle 2 or by 100%, while the value of student skills also increased, in the very good category in cycle 1 there was no children who get, but in cycle 2 there are 2 children who get the category of "very good", in the category of "good" cycle 1 there are 4 children then go up to 10 children in cycle 2, in the category of "less" cycle 1 there are 8 children but in cycle 2 there is no child who gets the category of "less". From this it can be said that the flash card media can improve student learning outcomes in grade 1 at SDN Sanggrahan 2


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How to Cite
Kasanah, N. (2019). Peningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAI Materi “Huruf Hijaiyah” Menggunakan Media Flash Card Pada Siswa Kelas 1 SDN Sanggrahan 2. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(2), 20-30. Retrieved from