Masalah Islamopobia Pasca Tragedi 11 September 2001 Di Barat

  • Taufikurrahman . Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Masalah Islamopobia, Pasca Tragedi, 11 September 2001 Di Barat


The event of the collapse of the Word Trade Center (WTC) building and the destruction of the Petangon building on Tuesday 11 September 2001 was the culmination of a dispute between America and Islam with all the blasphemy and very extraordinary claims the US government justifies Islam as a religion. While President Bush instructed the war and categorized a number of "Pembangkang" countries as Evil Axis is a form of US hatred towards Islam, increasing with a number of problems both in terms of politics, social, economic and others. After the 9/11 tragedy, the United States used the media to discourse the image of Islam that was identical with encouragement. Then it must be fought because it challenges the peace of the world. Terma "Terrorism" and "Islamophobia" were increasingly discussed.


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How to Cite
., T. (2019). Masalah Islamopobia Pasca Tragedi 11 September 2001 Di Barat. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(2), 45-55. Retrieved from