(تأثير طريقة الغناء لترقية ÙƒÙاءة ØÙظ المÙردات (دراسة تجريبية لدى طلبة قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بالمعهد التنوير العالي الإسلامي بوجونغارا(
Singing is the way words or phrases are memorized, by singing that students can sing according to the songs they like. Intended in how to sing so students can develop their abilities and singing also students can express what they think or their souls because singing is part of emotional expression. In this way students use activities to memorize vocabulary by repeating and continuing to sing so students can memorize. This study aims to identify how to apply and influence the use of singing methods to improve student vocabulary efficiency. This research was carried out at the Bojonegoro Islamic High Enlightenment Institute using Quantitative Research Methods, researchers used data collection methods for questionnaires and gave pre-test and post-test to students from the Department of Arabic Language Teaching at the Bojonegoro Islamic Enlightenment Institute.If the researcher sees the results of the analysis with a test that knows that 8.0577 t_0 is greater than t5% 2.23 and t1% 2.85 this shows that the null hypothesis (H0) is returned, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is acceptable. In other words, there is a difference between the pretest and posttest results using the singing method to improve the efficiency of memorizing vocabulary.References
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