Konsep Mewujudkan Keseimbangan Hidup Manusia Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Islam

  • M. Ma'ruf Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Pasuruan Indonesia
Keywords: The Concept of Manifesting the Balance of Human Life, Islamic Education System


Life in the view of Islamic education includes two main aspects, namely worldly life which leads to material aspects, and spiritual life which leads to moral aspects to achieve prosperous and happy life in the hereafter. Therefore, the Islamic education system in balancing human life by polarizing life to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter. Only, in achieving life goals, humans are often influenced by various factors in their lives, both material factors, educational factors as well as moral factors that are ubudiyah. Then Islamic education is needed as a means to support the achievement of the goals of human life, both in the world and the hereafter in a balanced way, through physical development and spiritual development of humans. Human physical development is oriented towards achieving the welfare of human life in this world because humans in life must try to seek the gift of Allah SWT. in meeting all the needs of his life. Of course in trying, humans need a strong and healthy physique. Human spiritual development, oriented to the creation of human welfare, both for worldly life and for ukhrawi life. Therefore spiritual guidance occupies a more prominent position in the implementation of Islamic education. Humans cannot live well if they only fulfill their material needs, but must also be supported by the peace of mind and spiritual well-being of humans.


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How to Cite
Ma’ruf, M. (2019). Konsep Mewujudkan Keseimbangan Hidup Manusia Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Islam. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 4(2), 123-137. Retrieved from https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/tapalkuda/index.php/makrifat/article/view/3461