Ulul Albab : Profil Intelektual Muslim Ideal Dan Relasinya Dengan Perkembangan Sains Dan Teknologi

  • Nunuk Indarti, Laily Zunaida Universitas PGRI Wiranegara (UNIWARA) Pasuruan, Indonesia
Keywords: Ulul Albab, Science, Technology


Humans are the perfect creation of Allah, Al-Quran has mentioned human perfection in Surah At-Tin verse 4. The creation of humans in their best form and condition. The position of human perfection is different from other creatures of Allah, because humans have the potential of reason. Kuntowijoyo stated that in the Koran the position of man is very important, that position can be seen in the predicate given by God as the Khalifah of Allah. Ahmad Azhar added that Allah subjected the contents of the heavens and the earth to humans in order to serve human life in carrying out its function as caliph. The golden age that Islam has etched in the course of its history, has given birth to ulul albab scientists who pioneered the study of Islam in such a wide variety of scientific branches. Ibn Shina, for example, has written as many as 220 works, one of which is the most famous on medicine. These works are collected in a masterpeace work entitled, al-Shifa 'which consists of 8 volumes. Al-Kindi has also produced 242 brilliant works in the field of philosophy, Ibn 'Arabi as many as 284 pieces, Zakaria al-Razi 236 pieces, and Abu Hasan al-Asy'ari as many as 93 pieces.


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How to Cite
Laily Zunaida, N. I. (2020). Ulul Albab : Profil Intelektual Muslim Ideal Dan Relasinya Dengan Perkembangan Sains Dan Teknologi. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 5(2), 115-141. Retrieved from https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/tapalkuda/index.php/makrifat/article/view/3957