Mengenalkan Ilmu Faroid Melalui Integrasi Mapel Matematika

  • Wonadi Idris Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Pancawahana Bangil Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Introducing Faroid Science, Integration, Mathematics


Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is a blessing for the universe. Its existence as a perfect religion and blessed by Allah SWT really illuminates the journey of human life, both as a community and as an individual. From childhood to adulthood, the lives of human children have been arranged as well as possible. good in Islam. Even after his death, Islam still pays attention to him, it is prescribed for him to be bathed until he is buried with respect. It does not stop there, all matters relating to the inheritance he left behind are regulated in the fairest way, even explained clearly in the Qur'an and The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, an important issue regarding inheritance issues in the treasures of Islamic knowledge is called Faroidh Science. Faroidh science is one part of the science of Fiqh which regulates the distribution of inheritance is a knowledge that is known by which he has the right to inherit and who is not entitled and what size is for each heir. Many have been forgotten, even abandoned by Muslims today. Therefore, Faroidh knowledge needs to be introduced through integration with mathematics, not only introduced during Islamic Religious Education lessons. This integration should be delivered by mathematics teachers who teach at Madrasah / Islamic religious-based educational institutions. Why Madrasas? because Madrasas are identical with the development of Muslim students, so it is hoped that students can easily master it. Keywords: Introducing Faroid Science, Integration, Mathematics


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How to Cite
Idris, W. (2021). Mengenalkan Ilmu Faroid Melalui Integrasi Mapel Matematika. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 6(2), 1-15. Retrieved from