Pengaruh Pembelajaran Outdoor Terhadap Kreatiftitas Belajar Siswa PAI di SMKN 1 Nguling Pasuruan
This research is motivated by outdoor learning not only moving students outside the classroom to eliminate boredom, but learning outside the classroom / outdoor suggestions for students to be able to develop students' creativity and abilities with media outside the classroom with the aim that students can be enthusiastic in learning by a different atmosphere and foster interest in learning so that with the growth of interest in learning, students' creativity can grow and develop The purpose of this study was to know the PAI Outdoor Learning at SMKN 1 Nguling and to find out the learning creativity of students of SMKN 1 Nguling. This study uses a quantitative approach and is supported by a qualitative approach using a sample of 80 students in class XI TPHP (Agricultural Product Processing Techniques) in Junior High Schools in Nguling Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires (10 items of Outdoor Learning statements and 23 items of Student Learning Creativity statements) and by conducting interviews. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical analysis for quantitative research and descriptive hypothesis analysis for qualitative research. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, it shows that there is a significant influence between outdoor learning and the learning creativity of Islamic Education students. Thus, outdoor learning has a considerable influence on the learning creativity of PAI students so that it is imperative for teachers to increase student learning creativity so that learning achievement is good. Based on the results of inferential statistical analysis by showing the correlation test and simple linear regression test, it was found that there was a significant influence between outdoor learning and PAI student learning creativity by 68.3% while the rest was 36.2%. The remainder is explained by variables other than variables not included in this regression model. Based on the results of the descriptive hypothesis analysis (qualitative in nature) it shows that the Outdoor Learning at SMKN 1 Nguling is in a good category. And also shows that students' motivation in Nguling 1 Nguling Vocational School and the average results of 4.20 from the questionnaire / answer questionnaire results Keywords: Outdoor Learning and Student Learning CreativityReferences
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