Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Menginternalisasikan Nilai-Nilai Religius Pada Siswa Di SMP Negeri 1 Grati Pasuruan

  • Nur Atiyah Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam MTs KH. Dahlan Grati Pasuruan
Keywords: Peran, Guru PAI, Internalisasi, Nilai-Nilai Religius, Siswa


The role of the teacher of Islamic Religious education is not just a teacher who simply delivers material to students. But more than that, Islamic Religious education teachers have a large enough duty and responsibility in providing guidance, direction and educating students by internalizing religious values in students, so that students can behave noble, have good character, and have faith and devotion to Allah SWT. Therefore it is necessary to have a teacher who is able to educate, guide, guide and form a perfect and moral person. All of it lies in the role, duties and responsibilities as a teacher of Islamic religious education. The purposeof the research results is to describe the role of Islamic religious education teachers in internalizing religious values in students, supporting and inhibiting factors for the role of Islamic religious education teacher in internalizing religious values in students and the results of internalizing religious values in students at SMP Negeri 1 Grati Pasuruan. This research is a qualitative research descriptive. While the subject of this research is teacher education Islam. Data collection methods in this study is the interview, documentation and observation. Source of the data uused in this study is the data source primary and secondary data sources. The results obtained from this study are 1) The role of Islamic religious education teachers in internalizing religious values in students is as a teacher, mentor, educator, good role model, and motivator. 2) Supporting and inhibiting   factors for the role of Islamic religious education teacher in internalizing religious values in students namely: a) Supporting factors include: factors from the students’ parents (family), the influence of the student’s living environmentwhich is still thick with its religious culture, the influence of friends at school who always invite goodness, the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure that are not provided at school, and support froom all parties/school members who participate in instilling religious values in students. b) Obstacle factors include: lack of awareness of students in participating in religious programs at school, diverse student attitudees or behavior, environments that can influence student attitudes/behavior and family background of students (parents) where students are born in a family environment that lacks understanding of religion. 3) The results of internalizing religious values in students, namely: Encourage students to improve the quality of their faith and devotion to Allah SWT, Change their attitudes or morals according to the norm of Islamic law, Students can read and understand the reading of the Al-qur’an weel and fluently, an can make students aware of the importance of religious values. Keywords : Role, Islamic Education Teacher, Internalization, Religious Values, Students.


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How to Cite
Atiyah, N. (2022). Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Menginternalisasikan Nilai-Nilai Religius Pada Siswa Di SMP Negeri 1 Grati Pasuruan. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 7(1), 51-83. Retrieved from