Pengembangan Kognisi Sosio-Matematik Menggunakan Teori Vygotsky pada Pembelajaran Matematika di SMP Pawyatan Daha Kota Kediri
The problem of demotivation and lack of self-confidence is the result of personal interpretation in learning Mathematics. The impact of textualistic-based monotonous methods and strategies applied to learning. Of course this is unfortunate, considering that Mathematics is oriented towards strengthening logical, critical and accurate thinking. The research wants to provide an orientative new formulation, where Mathematics learning is developed into a broad domain, namely socio-mamtematic through the application of Vygotsky's Theory. At the same time it becomes significant, because it offers solution thinking. By using the characteristics of qualitative research, the authors describe the phenomenon descriptively. Data were taken from in-depth interviews and documentation studies at PawyatanDaha Junior High School, Kediri City. Producing important findings, namely the first application of Vygotsky's theory in patterned Mathematics learning in two forms: 1) in the teaching and learning process. Students are formed class groups and social groups, each asking and opposing each other to produce the correct answer; 2) in the practice process of doing the questions. Problems are made with mathematical numbers, but are associated with developing self-potential, social and involving the community. Second, the implications of Vygotsky's theory give rise to an increase in the intelligence of students in the aspect of socio-mathematical cognition, with several logical implications, namely: 1) mental problem solving. The ability to think critically and accurately, produces students' brain sharpness, they can solve problems from identification to solution. 2) conceptual thinking. Students not only understand critical thinking, but can compare many concepts to formulate innovations; 3) socialist character. Students integrate Mathematics with the social environment. Keywords: cognition, socio-mathematical, Vygotsky theory, Mathematics learningReferences
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