Pendidikan Hati Dalam Perspektif Hamka

  • Rokim . Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Panca Wahana Bangil Pasuruan, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Keywords: heart Education, Hamka Perspective


Hearts are the main drivers of human beings. its presence determines the other part of the body, but the heart has a character and potential that is inconsistent sometimes tends to the good that sometimes tends to evil, then if the human heart is good good human behavior but if the human heart is dirty then its behavior is bad. Then, the human heart is metaphless need to get an education in order to keep up with their nature that is always tending to confession. The method offered in this heart education is to understand the Qur'an, think of nature and dhikr. Where all three can bring the heart to remember God. so that the nature of the heart that always tends to be maintained is maintained and avoiding obeying passions that are unlimited. The material offered by Hamka in the heart is material to the faith because this faith can bring students to know the existence of their Lord. To get a strong faith needs to be supported by spiritual education material oriented to purifying the soul, due to the increase in faith and the reduction in faith is determined by the sanctity of the soul. Then the last material offered by Hamka is material about morals because interacting with God is not enough, it is also necessary to interact with fellow humans who are guided by moral material. Keywords: heart Education, Hamka Perspective


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How to Cite
., R. (2022). Pendidikan Hati Dalam Perspektif Hamka. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 7(2), 146-163. Retrieved from