Berbagai Problem Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia Serta Upaya Pemecahannya

  • Abdul Khamid Institut Agama Islam Al-Fatimah Bojonegoro Jawa Timur Indonesia
Keywords: Problems of Islamic Education, Efforts to Solve them


Islamic education is education that aims to form a complete Muslim person, develop all human potential both physically and spiritually, to foster a harmonious relationship between every human person with God, humans and the universe. In Indonesia itself, Islamic education is divided into two types, namely Islamic education as an institution and Islamic education as a subject. The problems of Islamic education itself include (1) ontological problems which lead to the basic foundations and philosophical foundations of religion. (2) Epistemologically problematic, meaning that Islamic education is often given the impression of being traditional and conservative. (3) Axiological problems that lead to educational goals that are felt to be less oriented towards the values ​​of future life, have not been able to prepare generations that are in line with the progress of the times. From some of these problems there are several solutions that can be done, including: (1) The solution to the ontological problem, namely the implication of the ontological dimension in the educational curriculum is that the experience instilled in students is not only limited to the physical realm but also the infinite nature. The meaning of the infinite realm is the spiritual or spiritual realm, which leads humans to immortality. (2) Solutions to epistemological problems, namely: Eliminating the dichotomy paradigm between religious knowledge and general science, Changing the pattern of Islamic indoctrination education to a participatory pattern, Changing the ideological paradigm to a scientific paradigm. (3) The solution to the axiology problem is that there are several prophetic ethical values ​​in the context of the development and application of Islamic Education, including the value of worship, the value of ihsan, the value of the future, the value of mercy, the value of preaching. In this journal, the author also adds about how efforts are being made to deal with problems of Islamic education in Indonesia which include creating unity, coordinating human resource development, concentrating on the use of funds, and conflict management in educational institutions. Keywords: Problems of Islamic Education, Efforts to Solve them


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How to Cite
Khamid, A. (2023). Berbagai Problem Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia Serta Upaya Pemecahannya. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 8(1), 1-20. Retrieved from