Pentingnya Memahami & Penerapan Thaharah Bagi Peserta Didik SDN Semanu III

  • Avika Nolla Amaranggana . Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Yogyakarta (STAIYO) Jawa Tengah Indonesia
Keywords: thaharah, worship, shari;at, muslim


Thaharah in language is to purify oneself from dirt. While in terms it is an activity carried out to clean oneself. According to Islamic shari’at, thaharah can also be interpreted as an activity carried out to cleanse oneself from hadats and uncleanness and is one of the keys if you want to carry out a worship. As for the purpose of thaharah is as an activity to cleanse themselves so that Muslims can carry out a worship, because one way of worship is accepted is that it is clean from hadats and unclean. In this research, I used the literature review method based on books and other scientific works. It can be said that thaharah is a method or series that must be carried out before a Muslim performs prayer of worship. Thaharah needs to be considered because thaharah is very influential in whether or not someone’s worship is valid. The results of this study are to help explain the meaning of thaharah for muslims, especially for students at school


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How to Cite
., A. N. A. (2023). Pentingnya Memahami & Penerapan Thaharah Bagi Peserta Didik SDN Semanu III. Al-Makrifat: Jurnal Kajian Islam, 8(2), 129-144. Retrieved from