Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam <p><em>Al-Makrifat is a scientific publication published twice a year in April and October published by the Islamic Education Study Program of FAI Universitas PGRI Wiranegara Pasuruan. With No: Online ISSN: 2615-1103, Print ISSN: 2503-0701. Al-Makrifat as a scientific study that contains Islamic studies, Islamic education, Islamic education innovation, Islamic education management and Islamic education thinking.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> UNIT PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT (UPPM) SEKOLAH TINGGI TARBIYAH PGRI PASURUAN en-US Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2503-0701 Daftar Isi <p>Daftar Isi</p> Al Makrifat Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 i i Implementasi Metode Mujadalah Dalam Westernisasi Gen Z (Studi Empiris di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kota Pasuruan) <p><em>The case study of westernization, or the adoption of western culture by many members of the Z generation and younger generations, undermines this research. As westernization has grown, it has produced a number of tendencies that may have an impact on the morality of students in MAN Pasuruan cities. The dearth of academic excellence and persuasive discourse can be attributed to Generation Z&nbsp;Westernization movement, which has produced a sizable population of followers. The aim of this study is to explain the application of Mujadalah methods in Westernization Generation Z MAN Pasuruan Cities, their effects as they follow the current of Westernization, and the teachers' remedy.Based on research in the field. In the Westernization Gen Z MAN Pasuruan City, where before the implementation of the method Mujadalah implemented, She's a teacher Ita Miftakhul Jannah as eye teacher Teaching Sciences Fikih prepared and formed two groups of the number of students 33, and after being divided into two groups, she distinguished with the group A and Group B, in order to distinguish between those who are interested in Westernization and who are not interested in westernization. After being divided into two groups and the implementation of the method of mujadalah by She's a teacher Ita Miftakhul Jannah was given the theme of westernization, the fashion or style of clothing and the application of stickers that contain content from western culture. After the preparation that was presented by the source of She's a teacher Ita Miftakhul Jannah, then the Implementation of Method of Mujahadalah was carried out in the XD class accompanied by My Mother H who consisted of 33 students who were divided in two groups, group A and group B with themes of Westernization or Western culture has gone as desired, but its implementation has supportive and inhibitory factors. The supporting factor of implementing your method is 1) Students are able to master the topic 2) Quick response when answering. And inhibiting factors in the implementation of the method Mujadalah the 1) Students lack confidence in the course of discussions or methods Mujadalah 2) Students use mixed or non-standard languages 3) Lack of preparation. And the evaluation or outcome of the Method Implementation Mujadalah that is, group A could not respond to group B suggestions well because group B had already explained the facts related to the very bad impact of the current Western media or such westernization. And the impact of westernization is that it can increase friendship, change behavior, access to learning and information, tends to like Western songs, can't get away from gadgets, accesses pornographic content, plays games without knowing time, speaks in negative-connoted languages. And the solution related to the impact of westernization gen z MAN Pasuruan cities that is teachers have to take a persuasive approach, do practices, teachers must be ushu or example and teachers should be able to collaborate with other teachers regarding cases made by students because of the effects of such westernisation</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Implementation of the Mujadalah Method, Westernization, Gen Z</em></p> M. Ma’ruf, Fadhiya Mardhatila Amini Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 1 15 Optimalisasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membentuk Karakter Islami Pada Siswa SMK Kartika Generasi Z <p><em>This research aims to explore and analyze the optimization of Islamic religious education that is effective in forming Islamic character in generation Z Vocational Middle School students at Kartika Grati Pasuruan Vocational School. Generation Z students, as a group that grew up in the technological era of globalization, have unique educational needs and dynamics. The research method used is a case study, by collecting data through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Through this approach, we can understand in depth the experiences and perceptions of generation Z students regarding the Islamic education process they receive at Kartika Grati Pasuruan Vocational School. as well as the extent to which their Islamic character developed in this context. The results of the research show that (1) the importance of strategies for optimizing Islamic education at Kartika Grati Vocational School include those based on Islamic values, technology in Islamic education, direct experience and active learning, the role of social collaboration, the effectiveness of Islamic education strategies; and continuing education in everyday life; (2) implications for the development of Islamic education at Kartika Grati Vocational School including the characteristics of generation Z students; relevance of contemporary challenges; recognition of global cultural influences; challenges and obstacles; Islamic education innovation; and the influence of the campus environment. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to students in general, especially Kartika Grati Vocational School, in improving and optimizing Islamic education strategies for generation Z, by focusing on important aspects of Islamic character formation. </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Islamic Character, Generation Z </em></p> Nurhasan, Defirra Alizunna Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 16 24 Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengelolaan Vocational Life Skill Di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Studi Empiris Di MAN Kota Pasuruan) <p><em>The low quality of global education is closely related to social problems such as poverty, economic inequality and crime. Education is expected to be able to increase individual knowledge, skills and spirituality. Vocational skills, which focus on work and community service, are usually taught at the high school, vocational and MA levels. This research aims to describe the principal's strategy in managing vocational skills at MAN Pasuruan City and its impact.</em></p> <p><em>Using a qualitative approach and field study methods, this research reveals four main strategies of school principals: rational-empirical, normative-reducative, power-coercive, and alliance. Supporting factors include the role of the school principal, stakeholder support, student motivation, facilities, parental support, and collaboration with industry. The implications of this strategy increase students' independence, responsibility, courage to try new things, and Islamic character. However, challenges such as limited time, funds and facilities are still obstacles.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>Education, Vocational life skills.</em></p> Ina Mumtadzah, Miftakhul Munir Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 25 37 Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Melalui Program Tahfidzul Qur’an Di MAN Kota Pasuruan <p>Tujuan program <em>Tahfidzul Qur’an</em> adalah untuk membentuk karakter siswa agar berakhlak sesuai dengan akhlak Al-Qur’an. program ini sudah berlangsung lama, tapi banyak siswa yang menyepelekan program ini dikarenakan beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah malas. Sejak berubahnya kebijakan sekolah yang awalnya program <em>Tahfidzul Qur’an</em> itu adalah ekstrakurikuler wajib, kemudian madrasah mengubahnya menjadi kegiatan intra kurikulum dan masuk dalam mata pelajaran MQ (Madrasah Qur’an), Dengan perubahan itu bisa memaksimalkan program <em>Tahfidzul Qur’an</em> untuk membentuk karakter siswa yang baik dan berakhlak mulia. Karakter siswa yang terbentuk melalui Program di MAN Kota Pasuruan mencakup karakter religius, disiplin, tekun, sabar, bertanggung jawab, dan solidaritas. Program <em>Tahfidzul Qur’an</em> di MAN Kota Pasuruan ini menjadi bagian dari program MQ (Madrasah Qur’an) yang menerapkan tiga bentuk pembinaan: <em>Ta’lim, Tadris, dan Tahfidz</em>. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung pembentukan karakter siswa melalui program ini meliputi kualitas pengajaran yang intensif yang memotivasi semangat belajar, dukungan dari pihak sekolah, partisipasi orang tua, serta lingkungan sekolah dan teman-teman yang mendukung. Sementara itu, hambatan yang dihadapi termasuk rasa malas, pergaulan yang kurang baik, banyaknya tugas dari mata pelajaran lain, izin dari orang tua, dan kecenderungan siswa untuk lebih banyak bermain <em>handphone</em>. Program <em>Tahfidzul Qur’an</em> di MAN Kota Pasuruan telah lama dilaksanakan dan terintegrasi dalam kurikulum, sehingga diharapkan dapat membentuk karakter baik siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Pembentukan Karakter, Program Tahfidzul Qur’an.</em></p> Jakaria Umro, Sofiatul Ilmiah Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 38 49 Pengaruh Pemisahan Kelas Laki-Laki Perempuan dan Minat Belajar terhadap Prestasi Belajar PAI Pada Siswa di SMP Yadika Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan <p><em>Gender-based classroom segregation significantly impacts students' interest and academic performance. This study, titled “Gender-Based Classroom Segregation and Its Impact on Student Interest and PAI Academic Achievement at SMP Yadika Bangil,” aims to evaluate how classroom segregation and student interest affect Islamic Religious Education (PAI) performance. Using a quantitative approach with a correlational method, the research involved 52 seventh-grade students, with data collected through surveys. The findings reveal that both classroom segregation and student interest significantly affect PAI performance, contributing 77.8% and 87.6%, respectively. Combined, they account for 87.7% of the impact on PAI performance. These results provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers in developing more effective teaching strategies.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Classroom segregation, student interest, andacademic performance.</em></p> Wardatul Hamro, Siti Halimah Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 50 59 Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Mind Mapping-Scrap Book Dalam Pembelajaran PAI Terhadap Kreativitas Belajar Siswa SMA Negeri 4 Kota Pasuruan <p><em>During teaching and learning activities at SMAN 4 Pasuruan, a lot of students lack imagination,</em> <em>particularly in</em> <em>group presentations when they frequently just use ugly PowerPoint displays or read content from cellphones. At the end of the learning process, during the </em><em>presentation, students should be able to use both hemispheres of their </em><em>brains at the same time. As a result, scientists are looking for </em><em>other approaches to solve these problems.This study intends to ascertain the efficacy of Mind Mapping - Scrapbook media in fostering </em><em>learning creativity in students at SMAN 4 Pasuruan. Additionally, it seeks to ascertain the disparity in learning creativity growth </em><em>between students who use Mind Mapping - Scrapbook media (experimental class) and students who use conventional methods (control class) in PAI. Utilizing experimental and control classes, this study employs a quantitative methodology to assess the efficacy of Mind </em><em>Mapping Media - Scrapbook implementation. Cluster Random Sampling is used in the sample collecting. The dissemination of </em><em>questionnaires is the data collecting approach. The efficacy of the experimental and control groups differs, according to the findings of data processing with the SPSS version 21 application. The experimental class received a score of 70.42% on the N-Gain Score Test, whereas the control class had a score of 44.24%. A significant value of 0.110% was found for the independent sample T-Test findings. </em><em>resulting</em> <em>in a T value of 2,950 and a 2-tailed significance value of 0.000 (p &lt; 0.005) </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Mind Mapping - Scrapbook, Effectiveness, and Learning Creativity</em></p> Safira Yunia Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 60 69 Kebijaksanaan Nabi Muhammad Pada Perjanjian Hudaibiyah: Inspirasi Ulama Indonesia Dalam Penghapusan 7 Kata Piagam Jakarta <p><em>This research aims to examine the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad in the Treaty of Hudaibiyah and to connect it with the inspiration drawn by Indonesian scholars in the removal of seven words from the Jakarta Charter in 1945. The methodology employed in this study is a library research approach, which allows for the analysis and comparison of both events. Through an in-depth analysis, this study finds that the Treaty of Hudaibiyah exemplifies Prophet Muhammad's wisdom in confronting seemingly unjust political demands while strategically benefiting the Muslim community in the future. Similarly, the removal of seven words from the Jakarta Charter by Indonesian scholars demonstrates the application of the same principles in maintaining national unity amidst Indonesia's religious pluralism. This research provides new insights into understanding the relevance of diplomatic values and the wisdom of Muslim leaders in the context of Islamic history and Indonesia's independence.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Treaty of Hudaibiyah, Jakarta Charter</em></p> Zainal Muttaqiin Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 9 2 70 79 Peranan Muhammad Iqbal Dalam Rekonstruksi Pemikiran Islam <p>Since the middle of 19<sup>th</sup> century, Muslims have made their ways to variously response to the ideas of modernity, many of which were markedly inspired by the pan-Islamist activist, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, who started to espouse modern aspiration and inaugurate the Islamic reform movement throughout the Muslim world. This paper highlights the role of Muhammad Iqbal (1879-1938) in Islamic thought, through his philosophical premises to awaken the new Islamic consciousness in the Indian subcontinent, in continuing the tradition of al-Afghani and his religious struggle. The study was qualitative in nature designed based on documentary survey and analysis. It reviews related materials from normative and inductive perspectives. The data were analysed using scientific, descriptive, analytical and historical approaches to reach the final conclusion. The finding shows that Iqbal had formulated unprecedented ideas toward reconstruction and modernization in political, economic and social aspect. His works manifested broad and cohesive philosophical arguments and influences that largely impacted Muslim thought which help to develop their rational and dynamic framework to reconstruct the significance dimension of ijtihad and renewed their profound spiritual and metaphysical consciousness of the perennial and transcendental values of religion and its relevance to the modern context.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Muhammad Iqbal, religious thought, modernity, metaphysics, ijtihad</p> Ahmad Nabil Amir, Tasnim Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 9 2 80 96 Pendidikan Anak Pada Usia Dini <p>Pendidikan anak pada usia dini memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk dasar perkembangan anak untuk mencapai potensi maksimalnya. Artikel ini membahas beberapa aspek penting dalam pendidikan anak pada usia dini, termasuk peran orang tua dan guru, pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan emosional, serta pentingnya stimulasi kognitif.</p> <p>Orang tua dan guru memegang peran kunci dalam membentuk pengalaman pendidikan anak pada usia dini. Mereka harus menciptakan lingkungan yang aman, mendukung, dan merangsang untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran anak. Kolaborasi antara orang tua dan guru sangat penting untuk menciptakan konsistensi dalam pendekatan pendidikan.</p> <p>Pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan emosional pada anak sangat penting pada tahap ini. Pendidikan pada usia dini bukan hanya tentang pemberian pengetahuan akademis, tetapi juga melibatkan pengembangan keterampilan interpersonal, empati, dan resolusi konflik. Ini menciptakan dasar yang kuat untuk kemampuan beradaptasi dan berinteraksi di masyarakat.</p> <p>Stimulasi kognitif menjadi fokus utama dalam pendidikan anak pada usia dini. Anak-anak pada usia ini memiliki daya serap yang tinggi dan kemampuan belajar yang cepat. Oleh karena itu, penyediaan pengalaman pembelajaran yang merangsang secara kognitif, seperti permainan pendidikan, aktivitas seni, dan eksplorasi lingkungan, dapat membantu meningkatkan perkembangan intelektual anak.</p> <p>Dengan demikian, pendidikan pada usia dini bukan hanya tentang memberikan informasi, tetapi juga membentuk dasar untuk pertumbuhan holistik anak. Kolaborasi antara orang tua dan guru, pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan emosional, serta stimulasi kognitif menjadi elemen kunci dalam menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang optimal untuk anak-anak pada tahap perkembangan ini.</p> <p><strong><em>KeywordS :</em></strong><em>Pendidikan anak, usia dini, Pendidikan anak diusia dini</em></p> Habibah Nuraini Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 9 2 97 105 Implementasi Inovasi Literasi Berbasis Opo Tumon Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di SMAN 1 Gondangwetan Pasuruan <p><em>Improving literacy among students is one of the primary goals in modern education systems, particularly in the subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). Good literacy encompasses not only the ability to read and write but also critical and analytical thinking skills relevant to real-life contexts. However, conventional teaching methods often fail to meet these challenges. Therefore, innovation in teaching methods is essential. The OPO TUMON method (Observation, Potention, Organization, Trend, Useful, Meaningful, out of the box, and Management) emerges as an innovative solution to enhance literacy and student engagement in PAI learning.</em></p> <p><em>The objectives of this study are: 1) to understand the implementation of Literacy Innovation Based on OPO TUMON in Islamic Religious Education Learning at SMAN 1 Gondangwetan Pasuruan; 2) to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors of implementing Literacy Innovation Based on OPO TUMON in Islamic Religious Education Learning at SMAN 1 Gondangwetan Pasuruan.</em></p> <p><em>This study uses a qualitative approach of case studies. The subjects of the research are PAI teachers at SMAN 1 Gondangwetan Pasuruan, while the informants include the Principal, Vice Principal of Curriculum, and students of SMAN 1GondangWetanPasuruan. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validity techniques use source triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis employs descriptive analysis techniques.</em></p> <p><em>The research results show that: 1) In the implementation of literacy innovation based on OPO TUMON in PAI learning, students are actively involved in observing phenomena and solving problems relevant to the material. Teachers then observe to understand the characteristics of each student and plan appropriate learning. By using digital technology, learning becomes more engaging and relevant to students' everyday lives. 2) The success of this literacy innovation implementation is supported by several key factors, including the commitment and enthusiasm of teachers, the availability of adequate school facilities, and full support from school management. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors in the implementation of OPO TUMON include limited time in the crowded learning schedule, a lack of adequate literacy resources, and the need for ongoing training for teachers. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Implementation of Literacy Innovation, OPO TUMON, Islamic Religious Education</em></p> Siti Rofiqoh Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Makrifat: jurnal kajian Islam 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 9 2 106 119