Perpustakaan Dan Pendidikan Multikulturalisme

Keywords: Perpustakaan, Multikultural


Diversity is a strategic issue at this time to build a world civilization in the natural openness of today, where the walls between countries today such as collapsed by the freedom of the state. The readiness of a country is absolutely necessary at this time to enter the realm of openness, education is an integral part in al this, various strategies that exist in education should be capable of delivering humans to understand and accept diversity. Library seems one of the many strategies exist to bridge the influx of people in that era, with a rich library collection of books, media and information will make enthusiasts read and search information with various kinds of cultural literacy.Emerging issues can not be separated primarily to unpreparedness of human understanding of the world that is multi-faceted, so the man just looked at things from the perspective that they understand it without first to understand the other, so this is where conflicts may arise and occur.Educational multiculturalism need is grown, because the potential of Indonesian cultural, traditions, geography and demographics and the environment is extraordinary. Educational institutions can facilitate all of this to enrich hazanah and collections in the library, so the information there with various forms easily accessed by learners. Certainly needed encouragement and enthusiasm of educators to foster interest in reading and interest to continue to enrich hazanah intellectual, educational multiculturalism that will happen by itself, and in the end they are ready with all conditions existing civilization and is happening.Kata Kunci: Perpustakaan, Multikultural <a href=""><img src="" alt="Flag Counter" border="0"></a>


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Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Cemerlang.