Keywords: Budaya Organisasi


Madrasah organizational culture is a phenomenon that is visible on the activities of teachers and education personnel, as well as students, in an atmosphere of coolness, harmony, trust, beauty, and tranquility, all the secret societies represented culture in Madrasah.  In the 1980s, the concept of organizational culture emerged as a center for the analysis of organizational behavior and organizational effectiveness. Organizational culture into solutions to problems that are consistently associated with the group and then submitted new keanggota so that they are able to accept, thinking and working within existing problems. Most of the research on organizational culture in the corporate and educational organizations, linked to the effectiveness of the organization.Reda and Waterman, Kennedy, and Kanter, for example, all spell out the relationship between the achievement of corporate and organizational culture within the company.Although Madrasah is the organization, which should be remembered that culture Madrasah relatively knowing little specific characteristics of their organization. Although research on the characteristics of Madrasah organizations to improve the effectiveness of education, but our understanding has been largely derived from research in other organizations. But Madrasah has a special ability that could well affect the ways in which they have to deal with the issue of stability and perubahan.Tjahjono Heru Kurnianto, Balanced Scorcard Dimensions of Organizational Culture Theory and Practice, Journal of Organizational Culture, November 2003. One form of intrinsic and extrinsic. While Gacther and falk (2000), Kinman and Rusel (2001); Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is something that equally affect one's duties. A combination of intrinsic and extrinsic incentives are stipulated agreement and related to one's psychology.Sharing theory of motivation that is one of them is Porter Lawler Model. The issue between job satisfaction and performance appear since the human relations movement is actually in charge of the theory imply that satisfaction leads to performance and satisfaction not degrade performance. Porter Lawler states that cognitive processes in the perception plays a central role that the relationship between satisfaction and performance is directly related to a model of motivation.


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