Problematika Penulisan proposal Skripsi

Keywords: proposal skripsi penelitian kualitatif


Writing scientific work is one of the activities carried out in universities, in terms of carrying one of the Tri Dharma of higher education that in the field of research. The scientific work is the writing is done in accordance with the procedures or guidelines for writing translated. For the writing and reporting of scientific papers (thesis / thesis proposal) pancawahana Islamic religious high school (STAIPANA) Bangil has made a proposal and thesis writing guide. In making these guidelines have been determined for the preparation of the thesis proposal through the first few chapters are chapters covering background of the problem, formulation of the problem, research objectives, the benefits of research. For the second chapter contains the literature review related to prihal to be examined. In Chapter three contains the research methods which include the type of research, the place and time of the study, data sources, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques. After three chapters are finished then disetai the research schedule and closed with lembarang bibliography.


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