Keywords: Dhimmi, citizenship


In the concept of citizenship of the Classical Islamic country, dhimmi is a non-muslim citizen in practice life state gets preferential treatment which are not the same, and the different treatment is based because of religious differences. This contrasts with the modern country that gives equal treatment to all citizens without differentiating religion. Background to the emergence of the concept of citizenship in the classical Islamic State is a situation of conflict, namely the gelobal war between Islam and non-Muslims, and in Islamic countries, the most important principle is the similarity of belief and submission of non-Muslims by Muslim countries through the Akkadian dhimmah. This contrasts with the modern State, based on the recognition of the principle of ius soli through legitimate (place of birth) and ius sanguinis (descendant) and secular in nature, i.e. the awareness of the human equation, without distinguishing the tribe, race, colour or religion.


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