• Zainul Mustain


The Hadith of the Prophet's primary source after Word of God S.W.T. in conception and fine points of mind Islamic education from various aspects of human life that is always menglami the progress and changes in the times and every single time. The Hadith there is limited (narrow) and wide (not limited to), then the four items in this science is very urgent to be understood, in order to distinguish where he figures or sourced at all the outside conditions based disciplines. Figures and experts as well as the outstanding paper in the Islamic world, such as Malik ibn Anas, Al Muwattha as a monumental work of th 93 – 179 H, world's first book of Hadith. Al-Shaafa'i including disciples of Malik Bin Anas in Musnad Al-Shaafa'i's work life th 150 – 204 h. Ahmad Ibn Hambal, disciple of Al-Shaafa'i in 164 – 241 H his Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hambal. Al-Shaafa'i bermadzhab Bukhori, his book Saheeh Al jami ' Al-Bukhaari, al-Quran after standard life th 194 – 256 a.h. Al-Muslim pupils including Bukhori, karnyanya book Shohih jami ' Al-Muslim, Also Standard after al-Quran live th 204 – 261 h. Abu Dawood th life 202 – 275 H, with works of Sunan Abi Dawood. At-Thurmudzy living th 200 – 279 H, with works of sunan At-Thurmudzy, for those who have it get a great blessing. An-Nasya'i living th 215 – 303 h. works he wrote the Sunan An-Nasya'i. Ibn maajah, Sunan IBN Maajah works with live th 207 – 275 h. the popular Book by Kutubus Kutubut Tis'ah and Sittah. Islamic education sourced from major reference Book and there are formulations, Assunnah since the Apostles sanpai generation character of Islamic educators today. The flow and circulation of his runs as follows: the principal runway Formulation experts who were involved in the actual. It is run in accordance with the level of intelligence and character is owned by the public. Islamic education is certain his rail Uswah Hasanah (good example) anyone obliged to engage and involve ourselves. This if ancamanya then dormant until conditions of peoples, countries and Religions Experience labile and very easily swayed over the unfavorable situation even risky against a generation.