• Sugianto Sugianto Dosen Fakultas Syariah STAIN Ponorogo
Keywords: Empowerment, Islamic Banking, Economics People.


The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the concept of Islamic bank operations and risk management techniques, discusses the unique risks in the banking Shari'ah then analyze a number of challenges from the aspect of Shari'ah, so that unknown Islamic bank policy implications related to the economic empowerment of the people in Ponorogo. The first results of this study in terms of the conceptual problem of the difference between the formulation of the theory and the reality of practice on the basic principles of Islamic banking in Ponorogo, can be categorized in two forms, namely; deposit or savings principle, and the principle of sharing or profit sharing. Both in terms of economic empowerment of the people in Ponorogo, the step taken is to focus on a major program of socialization, training, and development sectors Units Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Although the third and the shari'a banking can not be hosted in Ponorogo, but his chances in the economic empowerment of the people is quite promising and convincing. Indeed risks faced not too big and heavy, but still have to watch out for, such as credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, legal risk, and the risk of withdrawal. Besides the unavailability of commercial warranty, money market instruments, commercial insurance and others, also there are some views of Shariah that have a direct impact on the risk management process. Or knowingly should be recognized that in banking circles there is no standardization of Shariah finance contract in Shari'ah.


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