• Mukani Mukani Sekolah Tinggi Tilmu Tarbiyah Urwatul Wutsqo Bulurejo Jombang


The relation of science and religion do not always lead the conflict, but also manifests itself in the form of integration, dialogue and independence. Methods of science and spiritual experience is a duality that is always present in the extreme in human life. Through his book, “The Origin of Speciesâ€, Charles Darwin actually had to make a choice between his religious beliefs with scientific truth. Galileo Galilei, by proposing the heliocentric theory and reject the geocentric theory of Ptolemy, a second case. Islamic history also pays dearly for failing to develop a science. The conflict between the empirical findings of science with religious beliefs is actually derived from a fundamental confusion experienced by science. This confusion led to discredit the results of science as religion. The second factor is the rigidity that can not be compromised in theology or unwillingness to revise the theology. The third factor is more technical-methodological, remember though that science and religion are both trying to find the truth, with the same object, but a different set of patterns of thinking. Science bases itself more to the skepticism and distrust that comes from the ratio, whereas religion operates on the basis of revelation that begin with an attitude of trust and faith. The conflict of science and religion has been draining students of modern science than middle roats approach taken by many other people who tried to neutralize the conflict.


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