Implementasi Profetik di Lembaga Pendidikan Pesantren


  • M Minif Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah (UIN SATU) Tulungagung
  • Imam Fuadi
  • Ahmad Tanzeh
  • Kojin Kojin



Prophet values have a significant role in the character building of students so that they become perfect human beings (human beings). It's can be realized if all educational institutions of Islamic boarding implement these values in educational and learning activities. This research purpose is describe the implementation of prophetic in Islamic boarding schools. The method used is qualitative with the type of library research. The results showed that first: Implementation of humanization in Islamic boarding schools can be through (a) Respecting the rights of students as humans and students, (b) Developing the potential of students holistically, and (c) Growing social awareness and responsibility of students; second: Implementation of liberation in Islamic boarding schools can be through (a) Criticizing existing social realities, (b) Encouraging the participation and advocacy of students, and (c) Building solidarity and movement with students; third: The implementation of transcendence in Islamic boarding schools can be through (a) Improving the quality of the students' worship, (b) Improving the quality of the students' morals, and (c) Improving the quality of the students' charity




Cara Mengutip

Minif, M., Fuadi, I., Tanzeh, A., & Kojin, K. (2023). Implementasi Profetik di Lembaga Pendidikan Pesantren. IDEALITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan, 3(1), 66–90.

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