Hermeneutika Dan Dekonstruksi Hadis Rukyah Al-Hilal


  • Muhammad Nurkhanif UIN Walisongo Semarang


One of the objects of Islamic Astronomic sciene is determining the beginning of Ramadhan and Syawal.. That determining can do by rukyat and, hisab. The method of rukyat which done by Prophet Muhammad saw, friends, tabiin until now. Rukyat can do all off people with see the hilal when the sunset in the end of month. Hisab is calculating position and altitude of hilal at the sunset. If hilal couid not be seen because of weather or the other things so entire numbering of Sya’ban become 30 days. This theory like this called istikmal. Onthe other way, If hilal couid not be seen, so it can be predicted by calculatingof hilal position. This called faqduruu lahu. This object of determining hilal till now take an crucial problerm which has not been solved yet. The problem come from the understanding of Nabi’s hadis SAW. So it’ll better should be understood with hermeneutic theory and deconstruction theor




Cara Mengutip

Nurkhanif, M. (2019). Hermeneutika Dan Dekonstruksi Hadis Rukyah Al-Hilal. JURNAL ILMU AL-QUR’AN DAN TAFSIR NURUL ISLAM SUMENEP, 1(2), 226–232. Diambil dari https://ejournal.kopertais4.or.id/madura/index.php/alqorni/article/view/3673




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