
  • Kusroni Kusroni



Abstrak:Tafsir al-Qur’an merupakan usaha yang dilakukan oleh manusiasesuai kemampuan dan kompetensinya dalam memahami maknakalam Allah. Pada masa Nabi yang notabene beliau adalahmufasir tunggal, belum muncul keberagaman corak dalampenafsiran, karena sumber penafsiran hanya satu yaitu Nabi. Halini berbeda dengan masa di mana umat Islam telah menyebar diberbagai wilayah yang dibarengi dengan terjadinya perkembanganilmu pengetahuan dan berkembangnya berbagai aliranmadhhab dan pemikiran. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan sertalahirnya berbagai aliran madhhab juga memberikan dampak padakeberagaman corak penafsiran al-Qur’an. Tulisan ini menelisikakar sejarah dan keberagaman corak penafsiran. Hasil analisisliteratur menunjukkan bahwa sejarah kemunculan dan keberagamancorak penafsiran lahir bersamaan dengan berkembangnyailmu pengetahuan dan munculnya berbagai aliran madhhabdalam Islam. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan melahirkanberbagai corak penafsiran seperti corak lughawi>, fiqhi>, falsafi>,su>fi>, ‘ilmi>, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan lahirnya berbagai aliranmadhhab memunculkan corak sunni>, shi>’i>, mu’tazili> dan lain-lainsesuai dengan ideologi yang dianut oleh mufasir.Kata kunci : Corak tafsir, perkembangan tafsir, keberagaman corak tafsir Abstract:Tafsir al-Qur'an is an effort made by humans according to abilityand competence in understanding the meaning of the word ofAllah. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad who is a singlemufasir, has not emerged the diversity of style in interpretation,because the source of interpretation is only one that is theProphet. This is different with the period in which Muslims havespread in various regions accompanied by the development ofscience and the development of various thought and madhhab.The development of science and the birth of variousmadhhab also give an impact on the diversity of the style of theQur'an interpretation. This paper examines the historical rootsand diversity of interpretive styles. The results of the literatureanalysis show that the history of the emergence and diversity ofinterpretive styles was born along with the development ofscience and the emergence of various madhhab in Islam. Thedevelopment of science gave birth to various shades ofinterpretation such as lughawi, fiqhi, philosophical, sufi, andilmi, and others. While the birth of various madhhab raises thestyle of sunni, syi'i, mu'tazili and others in accordance with theideology adopted by the mufasir.Keywords: Style of interpretation, development of interpretation,diversity of tafsir style.


