Nilai-Nilai Spritual dalam Tradisi Tahlil Pasca Hari Raya Idul Fitri di Dusun Lanpelan, Sana Laok, Waru, Pamekasan

(Studi Analisis Perspektif ayat-ayat Sosial)


  • Moh. Bakir STAI Al Mujtama Pamekasan
  • Subur Wijaya Sekolah Tinggi Kulliyatu Qur’an al-Hikam Depok



The results of this study prove that the tradition of post-Eid al-Fitr tahlilan activities for three days by alternating each resident has been going on for a long time. This tradition is basically a medium for sharing, praying for each other, strengthening friendship, and in order to preserve spiritual values in the month of Ramadan. More than that, this tradition becomes a medium of da'wah for the community. In addition, the tradition of tahlilan activities and joint prayers after carrying out Eid prayers is a way carried out by residents of Lanpelan Hamlet, Sana Laok Pamekasan to preserve spiritual values. The values contained in the tradition, the perspective of social verses, include the spirit of almsgiving, working together, instilling an attitude of solidarity and maintaining harmony. This research uses a qualitative approach, taking the location of Lanpelan Hamlet, Sana Laok Waru, Pamekasan. Technical analysis used in this study is interactive analysis, such as data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Data collection methods through observation, interview and documentation techniques.  Keywords: Values, Spritual, Tahlilan, Eid, Society




How to Cite

Bakir, M. ., & Wijaya, S. . (2024). Nilai-Nilai Spritual dalam Tradisi Tahlil Pasca Hari Raya Idul Fitri di Dusun Lanpelan, Sana Laok, Waru, Pamekasan: (Studi Analisis Perspektif ayat-ayat Sosial). El-Furqania : Jurnal Ushuluddin Dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 10(01), 22–39.


