Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dalam Membina Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik
ABSTRACT Character education is a planned effort to make students know, care about, and internalize the noble values ​​of the nation and religion, so that they become human beings (insan kamil). Character education can be obtained well in formal education or non-formal education, Islamic religious education teachers are expected to be able to instill and foster character education for students. Some of the roles of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering student character education, including: First, fostering the character education based on religion, Second, fostering character education based on cultural values, Third, character education based on environment, and Fourth, character education based on self-potential. Islamic religious education teachers must be aware and understand that coaching is not only enough with orders, not only by giving rewards to those who carry out discipline, or giving punishment for violators, but more than that where coaching must be aware of the students themselves. When the awareness has emerged from the students, without coercion from the teacher, students will do habits and have an environment-based character. And it is at this stage that teachers are said to be successful in fostering character educationDownloads
How to Cite
Solihin, S. (2023). Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dalam Membina Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik. Tafhim Al-’Ilmi, 12(1), 95–111.
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