Potret Keber-Agamaan Masyarakat Sumenep
Abstract The chanting of the verses of al-quran is still popping up around the regions in the Sumenep Regency region every day even every time, by carrying out the process of reading and learning the quran. This is proof of the strong and strong portrait of the Sumenep community, even on the other hand shows the enthusiasm to ward off the existence of a regulation on al-qur'an illiteracy made by the Sumenep Regency government, which is actually something that is not important Kata Kunci: Gemar membaca al-qur’an, potret keber-agamaan masyarakatDownloads
How to Cite
Haris, M. (2023). Potret Keber-Agamaan Masyarakat Sumenep. Tafhim Al-’Ilmi, 12(1), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.37459/tafhim.v12i1.4031
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