Kim Knott; Studi Agama Perspektif Insider/Outsider
AbstractThis paper is the result of a study of Kim Knott's insider / outsider perspective in religious studies.The discussion methodology used in this paper is literature study. This insider / outsider conceptwas born in order to obtain objective and accountable science of religion. According to Knott,religious researchers must be able to position themselves and understand their position, both asinsiders and outsiders. By doing so, it is also hoped that they will choose the relevant partialapproach methodology. The options Kim Knott offered to insider researchers were a completeparticipant or participant as observer. Meanwhile, an outsider observer is a complete observer oran observer as a participant. Look at the following schematic:Kata Kunci: Insider/Outsider, Studi Agama, Metodologi.Downloads
How to Cite
Jannah, U., & Effendi, A. (2023). Kim Knott; Studi Agama Perspektif Insider/Outsider. Tafhim Al-’Ilmi, 12(1), 157–169.
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