Pendekatan Living Values Education pada Karakter Generasi Alfa di Sekolah Dasar
ABSTRACT This study provides answers to several things to review and give an idea of ​​what must be done by the person responsible for character education related to the alpha generation in elementary schools today to produce the golden generation that the Indonesian people dream of can be realized and make developing countries become developed. This research is literary research through document analysis which consists of a literature study with a descriptive method which consists of describing a particular method and interactive method used to examine the contents of documents, writings, or research results that are relevant to this paper. The technique of collecting data in this study is by recording documents or archives that are closely related to the research objectives based on the facts that appear. The values ​​in this discussion indicate that teachers support or apply the values ​​of character education to students supporting three elements, namely schools, families, and the community work together to build cooperation in connecting the character of school residents to obtain information and develop further character education efforts. Keywords: Approach, iliving, education, character, elementary school.Downloads
How to Cite
Jurlissani, J. (2021). Pendekatan Living Values Education pada Karakter Generasi Alfa di Sekolah Dasar. Tafhim Al-’Ilmi, 12(2), 242–252.