Demoralisasi Akademik di Dunia Pendidikan dalam Konsep Loss of Adab Syeid Naquib Al Attas

  • Ruliana khasanah STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron Ngawi


Often educational institutions produce intelligent people who are less aware of the importance of moral values and character in their lives. So that person's higher education does not automatically increase his morality. This case has an impact on the crisis of moral education. This study aims to identify the occurrence of academic demoralization, which is increasingly mushrooming, referring to the concept of loss of adab in the thought of Syed Naquib Al Attas. The method used is descriptive qualitative, and the discussion uses library research. Data collection uses documentation methods in primary and secondary data sources. The results of this study are the occurrence of academic demoralization in the world of education today is the result of the paradigm of secularism and liberalism looking at science which denies religious values. So morals must be revitalized through moral education integrated with educational institutions, families, and the environment. It is hoped that the implementation of the education system in Indonesia can be conceptually reformulated through adab-based education so that it cannot be separated from the values of spirituality and divine trade. Further research must examine the forms of the combination of "ilm and adab " to be a reference in real applications.


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