• Yolanda Fifiana Dwi Mukti STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron Ngawi


Abstract: The phenomenon of a work ethic based on worship is an indication of the importance of spirituality in a teacher's performance. Good spirituality for PAI teachers will make them better able to overcome life problems that support their performance as a teacher by continuously improving their competencies. This research uses the phenomenological method to determine the strength of PAI teachers' spirituality on teacher competence. Data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. Data validation uses triangulation, namely using several sources and data collection methods. The research results show that personality competence becomes stronger when it is based on an understanding of its existence as a creation of Allah SWT in applying the values of ubudiyah, muamalah and faith. This belief encourages him to have the ability to accept circumstances and be grateful for what he receives. Appreciation for what is inside him encourages him to appreciate what is outside himself. Personal competence is the main basis for developing pedagogical, professional and social competence. Pedagogical and social competencies develop with the ability to tolerate so that they are able to understand the characteristics of students and other people around them. This makes it easier for him to carry out class management and collaborate or communicate with other people. Professional competence is supported by the ability to accept financial needs that encourage you to remain professional and try to meet your needs through other businesses that are in accordance with religious teachings. This action is also realized as a form of worship or devotion to Allah SWT. The research results indicate the importance of spiritual training for PAI teachers by related parties.


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