Keluarga, Karakter Anak, Pendidikan
The family has an important role in shaping the character of a child. The family is the smallest of a social system in which may consist of father, mother, and children who each have a role, families instill moral values in the personality of a child, while the child is the fruit of a happy family. The family now has a more complex function that includes the functions of production and consumption, the development of a child's character is influenced by the treatment against the family, which in turn can be said that the family has a very important role in shaping the character of a child. The character was the same as in the view of Islamic morality, morality in the Islamic view is that personality. The three components of personality that knows: attitudes, and behavior. For that being a parent is part of the family does not mean stop learning, Long life learning is a principle that must be held by a parent. Learn and teach children about life is a function of parents who were serious about their lives and the lives of children and grandchildrenReferences
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Collete Dowling. Tantangan Wanita Modern: Ketakutan Wanita dan Kemandirian. Jakarta: Erlangga, 1995.
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Hurlock, Elizabeth B. Perkembangan Anak. translated by Tjandrasa, M. Jakarta: Erlangga, 1978.
Hairuddin, E. K. Membangun Karakter Anak Dari Rumah. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2014.
King, L. The science of psychology: An appreciative view (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2014.
Olen. Kecakapan Hidup Pada Anak . Terj. Fr. Rosariyanto, Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 1987 (Karya asli diterbitkan tahun 1984).
Shinta Ratnawti. Keluarga Kunci Sukses Anak. Jakarta: Kompas, 2000.
Saifudin Azwar. Pengantar Psikologi Intelegensi Jogjakarta:Pustaka Pelajar, 2010.
Syaiful Bahri Djamarah. Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: PT Rieneka Cipta, 2008.
Sjarkawi. Pembentukan Kepribadian Anak. Jakarta:PT Bumi Aksara, 2006.
Sujanto dkk. Psikologi Kepribadian. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2006.
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