• Ahmad Taufiqurrohman STAI MA’ARIF KENDAL NGAWI


Allah really likes everything that is congregational in any case, whether in worship, neighbors or in mu'amalah with other people. One of the things that Allah likes is sharing (cooperating) in seeking Allah's gifts on earth, even Allah becomes the third party of two people who have an association, providing help, assistance, benefits and blessings as long as one of them does not betray his business partner. But if one of them does evil, that is, betrays his co-workers, then Allah will leave their group, no longer giving benefits, blessings and help, so if Allah leaves their side, Satan will come as a third party among them, then it will be revoked. grace and blessings of Allah from them.

As is the reality of life, that humans are social beings who cannot live alone, they need friends for dialogue, socializing and trying. Among them there are those who have capital but do not have the time and opportunity to manage their capital, so automatically they need other people to cooperate in managing their capital so that it increases, conversely there are people who do not have capital for business but they have the expertise and skills in managing a business. , then he needs other people to provide capital with profits shared among them according to a mutually agreed upon agreement, both parties need each other to try, therefore Allah swt prescribes syirkah as a form of their mu'malah.
