Inisiasi Pendidik Dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Generasi Z

  • Zaini Fasya IAIN Tulungagung
  • Chusnatun Nihayah IAIN Tulungagung


Education is a conscious human effort towards the process of humanizing humans, which cannot be separated from the initiation of educators. An educator is someone who has a heavy responsibility in carrying out their duties, why? Because not only responsible to walimurid but also responsible to Allah SWT. Apart from that, it is seen from the perspective of Islamic education, as the conditions for an educator to master the knowledge in teaching students, of course, in a professional, patient way, and the achievement of goodness in the world and in the hereafter. Especially in the face of the current generation Z, namely the generation born from generations X and Y (millennial). This generation is the net generation or the internet generation. They were born in the heyday of internet technology. Therefore, how can generation Z and this generation of educators be able to adapt, take advantage of and survive through the rapid development of technology, because every generation must have a positive phase and a negative phase. This research was conducted using descriptive methods, namely by describing the opinions of experts about the importance of the initiation of an educator in shaping the character of students in Islamic education. From this study we found that character emerged due to heredity and environment. Character is not something that is permanent, but can be changed by the teacher's role in education.

