Reaktivasi Paradigma Islam Wasathiyah Masyarakat Kampus melalui Sinergi Potensial Pendidikan Tinggi & Pesantren

  • Abu Amar Bustomi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Qualified Muslims are very likely to be built through collaborative synergies with higher education and Islamic boarding schools. The existence of higher education which is increasingly free to innovate through barriers outside the campus is an opportunity for mastery of science and technology to prepare proficient, applicable, adaptive, dynamic and progressive Muslims towards global technological developments. The phenomenon of the rise of Islamic features that characterize our national life, which triggers extremism, with religion as the legitimacy of its actions is a participatory challenge to develop national life based on religious social diversity. The synergy of higher education with its academic potential & Islamic boarding schools which are historically culturally can be said to be training centers which de facto have the values ​​of local wisdom with the paradigm of religious moderation (Wasathiyyah) as a form of understanding and practice, as well as approaches in the contextualization of Islam in the midst of a developed & traditionalized global civilization. This existence will be able to realize the reactivation of the Wasathiyah Islamic paradigm. It is also an answer to various situations that seek to divide the unity, in the form of moderation of religious thought and practice which mediates the freezing point of contact between the diversity movements that have developed in Indonesia.
