Analisis Kebijakan Dan Pengembangan TPQ Dalam Pendidikan Nasional

  • Wahyu Dwi Warsitasari IAIN TUlungagung
  • Zaenal Arifin STIT Suri Trenggalek



From its historical aspect, the Al-Qur`an Education Park (TPQ) emerged as a response of the Muslim community to the importance of learning al-Qu`an from an early age. The learning process and institutions are adjusted to the place where the TPQ is held and the resources it has. From the institutional aspect, the TPQ can be held through both level and non-level channels. The position of the TPQ in the national education system is clearly stated in the PP. No. 55 of 2007, that TPQ is a type of Islamic religious education in the form of non-formal diniyah education. TPQ development can be done first from a policy aspect. This policy is a measure of anticipation and adaptation in directing society in the right direction, without having to wait for demands from community members. And for the sake of improving the quality of education at TPQ, the Ministry of Religion can intervene and advocate for the community in order to achieve what has been envisioned.
